Thursday, November 9, 2017

Modern Musing

Crooked and still, staring at the ocean through cataract pearls, she waited. The red phone on the table had been quiet for two years. The world's creativity had dried up, her job as the universal muse becoming obsolete. She wondered if getting a cell phone would help.....or maybe a boob job. Yeah, fresh start.


  1. A boob job! I don't think Muses need those to get attention, but maybe these days they do?

  2. It honestly does feel some days that *everything* good has dried up, but then I read things like this, and I smile and feel that it's all still around, just looking for that make-over Dr Phil suggested. So good to see you at the 55, and please have a kickass weekend, sir. You've certainly improved my prospects, anyway.

  3. Damn, I've been looking all over for her!

  4. heck, even that might not work ~
