Thursday, March 8, 2018

Pet Friendly Motels in Eastern Colorado

The sign read, "No Smoking Dogs!"
I looked at the desk clerk.
"Sooooo, if my dog smoked cigars we wouldn't be welcome, or I can't barbecue a dog, oooor, no lighting a dog on fire and watching it smolder?"
"The vending machine outside sells plastic cigarette smoking dogs....they stink"
I checked my pocket for quarters.


  1. Bwahahaha! Of course you'd go for the kill.

  2. Ha! Corey, I've missed you. This cracked me up--and also serves as a nice snarky commentary on our general way of life, in all its plasticness. You turn off that Tanya Tucker and have a kickass weekend. Thanks for playing!

  3. What about smoking cats? I had a cat who would climb up in my lap to inhale pot with me, years ago. That was a kickass cat too. But if one smokes dogs, be sure to use a good rub.

  4. Couldn't resist that smokin' dog could you? Love it!

  5. There are some tales only you can tell.

  6. So then you get yourself a Cinnamon Wunderbaum or?
