Monday, November 4, 2019

It's Where Song's Come From...

I wrote this after seeing an actual wolf
I was searching for treasure in Alberta
Like it’s the dragon’s lair, I beg to differ honey
But I did realize there are things scarier than you leaving me
And this song isn’t so much about anything 
It just represents a point of disembarkation 
And you don’t have to get it

We Interrupt this drivel for station identification…

     “Where do you get your Song’s?”



     “That’s the sort of question a third grader might ask?”

     “I think your fan’s would like to know.”

     “Let me tell you something David……my fan’s don’t ask me stupid questions. All they really want is to hang out, be a part, get a little close, OK man.”


     “Listen, if you really want to know where I get my songs then open your damned ears, I’m only gonna say this once. Count this down, David.”

     “It's Maggie’s dingy thong showing every time she sits down. It’s my grandmother blowing smoke rings with her pipe.  It’s Eddie Vedder in the mother fucking rafters.  It’s Dolly Parton and her shitty coat.  It’s mom making heart for us kids because she’s making liver for dad and we hate liver.  The only thing is David, heart is no damned consolation to a kid. It’s thinking about how cool it would be to walk on the moon.  It’s smoking a cigarette after the show with Justin Furstenfeld.  It’s shelling out your last hundred bucks to go see the Avett Brothers. Do you see what I’m saying David?  It’s that stupid look on your face right now.”


    “Of course you don’t get what I’m saying David.  You are not an actual wolf.  All you got to do is sit down and fucking listen man…just listen.”

We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming…

She wrote that after lying with an actual wolf
After the proselytizing was done, she was convincing
One word can be a savior, a salve, a poultice for the soul
Which word depends on how far down that road she’s been
You can take her out and sniff your territory together
But when the snow starts blowing and the wind cuts
It will be nothing compared to the bite she takes out of your ass

 Who’s the actual wolf now?


  1. I love where your songs and poems come from - a mix of everything.......and that wolf biting someone's ass? a great closing line that made me smile. A-WOOOOOOO! I can feel the wind and snow of that Alberta winter..........

  2. Absolutely love the creativity here!

  3. This was enjoyable to read, engaging.
