Wednesday, June 11, 2014

My Day

Maya Deren

For Susie's Challenge at Imaginary Garden with Real Toads

It wasn't like the day leaked
It was rubbery and naked
Dancing wasn't an option
Do you hear what I'm saying?
Full of truth and knocked about
But it didn't leak

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Day Tripper

Tilted and full of grace like a perfectly balanced sandstone boulder
She entered my eye and I bathed in synaptic beauty
Her march south was supposed to stop in the heartland
A life would be built and beauty created from thin air
But the brakes failed, a downward spiral past heart and intuition
Only to lodge squarely in the valley of pleasure and infatuation
A man's aura dies and what is left is post coital breathing

Written for the Sunday Mini Challenge at The imaginary Garden with Real Toads

Monday, June 2, 2014

Good Decisons or The Ballad of the Orange Jumpsuit

For Flash Fiction 55...Its hard to keep my mouth shut...55 words, really?? 
     That shit stole the Bee Gees cassette from his car, and here's the thing, it's not like he couldn't afford his own. His dad works at Bonanza and his mom sold Avon. He took a drag from his cigarette, flipped the butt and shifted the tire iron to his other hand. Smoke this mother fucker.

Buying a New Day

Reflecting and not so softly on a life in limbo
Causes a person to check his pockets for coin
Buying clarity isn't the same as tripping over it
Cheap plastic focus glamour's the quick fix
Only to return a man to the starting blocks
Cursing the broken piece you can't find on Craig's List.