Monday, December 22, 2014

The 30 Seconds Before Christmas

Glowing, not flowing, hopefully it's snowing
Don't move a muscle in case that was the sound of bells

Soaring, not snoring, counting sheep is way to boring
I think the large package under the tree is a guitar or a bike

Laying, and praying, that my cousins are not staying
They always break my new stuff before I get a chance to play

Sleeping, dawn creeping, closed eyes prevent my peeping
Having to be awakened by my dad after an hour of sleep

Christmas comes when Christmas comes


  1. Hey Corey, good to see you. Happy happy, all that ~

  2. The thrills and spills of Christmas morning are best seen from the vantage point of youth. Thanks for playing, Corey and a very merry Christmas to you and yours.

  3. it really does. is that a bike or are you just happy to see me this Christmas morning?
    xoxox & enjoy!!
